Taking care of your mental health
The current times are incredibly challenging for the trans and gender-diverse community, with our lives being thrust into the spotlight amidst a backdrop of hatred and bigotry. It can be difficult to cope with all this, especially if you are neurodivergent. We've found a few things that have helped us during these trying times, so we want to share these tips on how you can take care of your mental health.
Firstly, it is important to remember that it is okay not to be okay right now. Feeling overwhelmed by the current environment and the constant bombardment of negativity toward our community is completely normal. Giving yourself space and time away from all of this is essential to recharge and re-center yourself. Try engaging in activities that bring you joy, whether reading a book, playing video games, or watching your favorite show. Allowing yourself time away from the news cycle can help reduce stress levels and create a sense of peace within yourself.
Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with like-minded people who understand what you're going through and offer support in whatever way they can. This could mean joining an online support group or even just talking one-on-one with someone who understands you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. Many wonderful neurodivergent-friendly organisations are available to support trans and gender-diverse folk. Transcend Australia has a great list of support groups and services available to trans young people.

It is also important to practice self-care as much as possible to keep your mental health in check. Make sure you get enough sleep each night, eat nutritious meals throughout the day, exercise regularly (even if it's just taking a walk around your neighborhood!), and engage in activities that bring you joy each day! Taking breaks from social media can also help reduce feelings of anxiety or overwhelm – try setting aside specific times each day when you completely disconnect from all sources of technology so that you can take a break from everything going on around you and focus on yourself instead!
Taking care of your mental health as a neurodivergent, trans, and gender-diverse person is incredibly important, especially at the moment, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming - with some simple steps such as allowing yourself time away from the news cycle, connecting with like-minded people online, practicing self-care habits, and taking breaks from social media when needed -you can keep your mental health in check! Remember -you are not alone -many fantastic organisations provide support specifically for those who identify as neurodivergent, trans, or gender-diverse, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need any extra help!